Many people have asked me, "Where do I start?" "What should I read?" This is my bibliography, it is by no means the end all and be all of books on Witchcraft or paganism. In fact, some of these books are NOT about those two subjects. Some, I haven't even read, but are from the bibliographies of books that have influenced my life considerably. There are also several periodicals, go to your local bookstore or newsstand and see what is out there. In almost every city in the US there is a public library. You would be amazed at which books they have. Almost all of them will have Drawing Down the Moon. If they don't, ask them to get it.
Adler, Margot Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today
Ardinger, Barbara A Woman's Book of Rituals and Celebrations
Bentov, Itzak Stalking the Wild Pendulum
Beyerl The Master Book of Herbalism
Buckland, Raymond Scottish Witchcraft
Budapest, Z. Goddess in the Bedroom
Budapest, Z. Goddess in the Office
Budapest, Z. Grandmother of Time
Budapest, Z. Holy Book of Women's Mysteries
Cabot, Laurie Celebrate The Earth
Cabot, Laurie Power of The Witch
Campanelli, Pauline and Dan Ancient Ways
Campanelli, Pauline and Dan Rites of Passage: The Pagan Wheel of Life
Conway, D.J. By Oak, Ash and Thorn
Conway, D.J. Celtic Magic
Conway, D.J. Moon Magic
Crowley, Vivianne WICCA: the Old Religion in the New Age
Culpepper's Color Herbal
Cunningham, Nancy Brady I am Woman by Rite: A Book of Women's Rituals
Cunningham, Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magickal Herbs
Cunningham, Scott Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Dass, Ram Journey of Awakening
Dreher, Diane The Tao of Inner Peace
Dunwich, Gerina The Wicca Garden
Edwards, Carolyn McVickar The Storyteller's Goddess
Eisler, Rhiane The Chalice & The Blade
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola Women Who Run With the Wolves
Farrar, Janet and Stewart Eight Sabbats for Witches
Farrar, Janet and Stewart The Witches' Way
Fox, Mathew The Cosmic Christ
Gimbutas, Marija Civilization of The Goddess
Goldenberg, Naomi Changing of the Gods
Grieve, Mrs. M. A Modern Herbal
Hoff, Benjamin The Tao of Pooh
Hoff, Benjamin The Te of Piglet
Jong, Erica Witches
Lust, John The Herb Book
Mabey, Richard The New Age Herbalist
Matthews, John The Household of the Grail
Martinié, Louis and Sally Ann Glassman New Orleans Voodoo Tarot
Melton, Gordon Magical Religion in the United States
Olson, Carl, ed. The Book of the Goddess, Past and Present
Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs
Silverstein, Shel The Giving Tree
Sjoo, Monica and Barbara Mor The Great Cosmic Mother: Rediscovering the Religion of the Earth
Starhawk Dreaming The Dark
Starhawk Spiral Dance, Tenth Anniversary Edition
Starhawk Truth or Dare
Stone, Merlin Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood: Our Goddess and Heroine Heritage
Stone, Merlin When God Was A Woman
Teish, Luisah Jambalaya
Teish, Luisah Carnival of the Spirit: Seasonal Celebrations and Rites of Passage
Thompson, Janet Magical Hearth: Home for the Modern Pagan
Valiente, Doreen Witchcraft for Tomorrow
Voltaire Candide
Walker, Barbara The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets
Wanless, James Voyager Tarot
Weinstein, Marion Earth Magic: A Dianic Book of Shadows
Weinstein, Marion Postive Magic: Occult Self-Help
Wilhelm, Richard, translator The I Ching
Woodruff, Una & Colin Wilson Witches